5 things to do on Stringers Common in the Summer

July 26, 2024| Current Issue, Editorial

In our area we are never too far from nature and open spaces – Stringers Common just up behind Hazel Court flats is a great place for a summer adventure!

You can also start walking the foot path across the road (Hazel Avenue) from the petrol station. Here are a few things that may be fun to do:

Build a den

There are plenty of sticks and bits of wood to make a shelter. You could do it all together or have a competition.

Make nature art

Collect leaves, sticks flowers and find a space to lay them out in a pattern to make a beautiful piece of art – use the colours and shapes that you find around you.

Play hide the object

Take a small bright object or trinket a ball or anything you have on you – make sure it’s not valuable!! – send two of your group off to hide it within an area – when hidden everyone else gets a chance to look for it – you can call warmer/colder or just let people find it. Keep having turns.

Have a picnic

It doesn’t have to be a big thing a few snacks some water or squash in drinking bottles – a jam sandwich just to keep everyone going! Lay a trails or have a scavenger hunt Use sticks and twigs to make little signs to show the way – or send someone ahead with different coloured paper or ribbon – then collect them up as you find your way. Or send everyone off with a list of things to find – a feather, a pebble, a stick with a ‘v’ in it, an oak leaf – whatever you can think of. Make sure any rubbish goes home with
you – and enjoy the lovely green spaces.

About the reserve

Stringers Common is part of the The Worplesdon group of commons, which comprises eight commons within the parish of Worplesdon near Guildford. The commons are an invaluable resource for local communities who use the land for recreation and support vital habitats for protected wildlife including rare heathland, as well as woodland, grassland and wetland of national and local importance. Once grazed common land, Stringers Common is much smaller than the adjacent Whitmoor Common and comprised of mixed woodland habitat. It is still important for heathland wildlife and is designated an SNCI (Site of Nature Conservation Importance).
