Burpham resident completes Ireland end-to-end walk…

December 6, 2024| Previous Issue, Editorial

…and raises funds for dementia.

Mark Saunders, a 67-year-old retired University of London professor from Burpham has completed a new challenge for charity. On the 6th October 2024 he finished walking the length of Ireland and, in doing so, has raised significant sums to help two dementia charities.

Mark’s started this demanding trek on the 29th August 2024 at the tip of Dursey Island in the rugged southwest of Ireland, and finished 39 days later at the coastal town of Ballycastle in Northern Ireland. His end-to-end walk of Ireland spanned 507 miles, encompassed 40,000 ft of ascent and included five rest days. He averaged 14.9 miles and 1170 ft of ascent each walking day, and followed mostly waymarked trails, paths and quiet country roads.

Mark reports that “although strenuous, the adventure was a marvellous and rewarding experience. The green landscapes and scenery were fantastic, the Irish people were warm and friendly, and even the weather was better than expected! I especially enjoyed walking the coastal stages in the south and north. The clifftop path eastward from the famous Giant’s Causeway was stunning with its dramatic volcanic scenery – and is a walk that I would recommend to all day hikers! My end-to-end route traversed several mountain ranges, crossed the Shannon, Ireland’s longest river, encountered many castles and historical sites, and provided a good appreciation of Irish culture. The simple traditional way of life that endures in southwest Ireland was a particular delight.”

Map of Mark’s Ireland walk.

Crucially, Mark’s exploit was undertaken for charity. His efforts have increased awareness of dementia and have raised valuable funds to help two leading dementia charities, the Alzheimer’s Society (covering England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) and the Alzheimer Society of Ireland. Dementia is Britain’s leading cause of death, having overtaken coronary heart disease. It is a chronic brain disorder that is not part of normal ageing and will affect 1 in 3 people in the UK and Ireland. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for dementia and many people who have this pernicious disease are not being diagnosed and supported.

The Alzheimer’s Society and the Alzheimer Society of Ireland provide essential support to those living with dementia and work towards groundbreaking treatments. They also strive to make dementia the national priority that it desperately needs to be. Donations are vital for these Societies to continue their essential work.

Mark is appreciative and grateful to all Burpham residents who have kindly made a donation. However, if you are able, please be kind and try to make a small donation either online or by cash. For online donations please visit Mark’s JustGiving page for the Alzheimer’s Society at www.justgiving.com/page/mark-saunders-ukalzs6111922 or for the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland please visit www.justgiving.com/page/mark-saunders-irlalz3071922 For a cash donation please send an email to Mark at mas7757@live.com so that he may arrange this. Thank you for your kindness.