Community Fun Day on the Green 2024

July 24, 2024| Past Issues, Editorial

What a great, fun day with so many people coming along to join in!

On Saturday 13th July, we had our annual Community Fun Day for the Bellfields and Slyfield areas on Bellfields Green. Set up in good weather, we were almost ready for the 3pm start (apart from unusual generator problems) and the event was soon opened by Sallie Barker – the Mayor of Guildford!

Local MP Zoe Franklin hooks a duck!

Enjoying the day’s festivities.

We had a wide variety of activities, from Bouncy Castles for both younger and older children, ‘Beat the Goalie’, a Coconut Shy and an Under 5’s area, to displays in the arena from Classy Clegg’s Boxing Gym and Weyfield Primary Academy’s dance group – Weyfield Wildcats. There were also stalls from organisations such as Diabetes UK, ReadEasy, CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and ReSkilled.

This year, as well as the Mayor of Guildford attending, we were privileged to have Zoe Franklin MP – the new MP for the area – who used to live in Bellfields, and Amanda Creese who is one of our Guildford Borough Councillors.

The day went very smoothly this year (once started), all helped by a multitude of volunteers who ran the stalls, tea tent, BBQ, co-ordinating and all of the setting-up and taking-down. I am so grateful to all those who helped in such a committed, friendly and relaxed way – the day couldn’t happen without you!!

I am so grateful to all those who helped in such a committed, friendly and relaxed way – the day could not happen without you!!

Piers Rosslyn-Smith
Chair of Community Fun Day on the Green 2024

Amanda Creese, Guildford Borough Councillor, with Tony Lees, Akela for 2nd St Peter’s cubs.

Classy Clegg’s Boxing Gym demonstrate their skills.

The Band played on!!

Despite some rain coming in at about five it did not dampen spirits and many people stayed on enjoying the burgers and hot dogs and listening to some great live music by Redhouse Rhythm and Blues Duo and The Rolling Scones!! They sheltered in the gazebos and marquees around the site. The funday organizing group are always on the look out for local talent so get in touch if you’d like to perform next year.

The Fun Day is organised each year by a group of local residents, supported by St Peters Shared Church. As an organizing group, we love putting in the time to arrange the Fun Day each year it is a great community event a day out for all ages with fun and food and music too and a showcase for local groups. It’s so important that members of Slyfield and Bellfields community come together for this community event.

If you would like to be involved in helping out on the day, please contact the Office at St Peters, at – it’s a great way to give something back to the community we live in. It may now be another year away but please email and we’ll get in touch in April/May next year (we start organizing the event in January).

Piers Rosslyn-Smith
Chair of Community Fun Day on the Green 2024

Undeterred listening to Redhouse Rhythm and blues Duo.

The Rolling Scones entertain despite the rain.

Sheltering from the rain but spirits are not dampened.