Latest news from Guildowns: Stoughton Road Surgery

July 27, 2024| Current Issue, Editorial

Focus on Blood Pressure – should I bother about this?

Did you know?

30% of adults in the UK have high blood pressure – and at least half are not receiving effective treatment.

Why is it important to have your blood pressure checked?

Around 50% of heart attacks and strokes are associated with high blood pressure. High blood pressure can also cause slow damage to the heart, brain and kidneys.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels called arteries. Normal pressure is important to the proper flow of blood from the heart to the body’s organs and tissues. Each time your heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries. Blood pressure is highest when your heart beats. This is called the systolic pressure. When your heart rests, between heart beats, blood pressure falls. This is called diastolic pressure.

How is high blood pressure diagnosed?

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. So the only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure check. This can be done by using the self check blood pressure monitors in your surgery waiting room, seeing your practice health care assistant or asking your local pharmacy if they provide a blood check up service.

Once you have had your blood pressure in the waiting room, please hand in the printout at reception. If the blood pressure is raised, the receptionist will arrange home blood pressure monitoring, or follow up with the GP or practice pharmacist. You may decide to buy a blood pressure machine yourself. These are available for purchase at pharmacies or online for example at

At what point should I be worried about my blood pressure reading?

Blood pressures are reported as 2 numbers, the systolic reading ( the reading when the heart is pumping) over the diastolic reading (the reading when the heart relaxes between heart beats). A blood pressure in the surgery above 140/90 is considered to be high. Your practice will suggest home blood pressure monitoring, and if you have an average home blood pressure reading of 135/85 or higher, this will confirm that you have high blood pressure (called Hypertension).

Why should I be concerned about high blood pressure?

When your blood pressure stays high over time, it causes your heart to pump harder and work overtime, possibly leading to serious problems such as heart attack, stroke, mini-strokes, heart failure and kidney failure. Mini-strokes may cause a decline in memory and are associated with some forms of Dementia.

What can I do myself to protect myself from the effects of high blood pressure?

We suggest heart-healthy eating and exercise. But sometimes the changes do not control or lower your blood pressure far enough, and you may need to take medicines.

What are the treatments for high blood pressure?

There are different types of blood pressure medicines. Some people need to take more than one type of medication to effectively reduce blood pressure levels.

High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a treatable condition.

Protect your heart, your brain and your kidneys – get your blood pressure checked and see your practice team to discuss next steps to control your blood pressure.


Guildowns – Stoughton Road Surgery, 2 Stoughton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1LL


01483 409309 surgeries/stoughton-road-branch/

Opening hours:

Monday 8.00am-6.30pm
Tuesday 8.00am-6.30pm
Wednesday 8.00am-6.30pm
Thursday 8.00am-6.30pm
Friday 8.00am-6.30pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed