Plus Size Ladies Group

We started this group following a mental health first aid training course and sharing that as plus size ladies it is intimidating and discouraging going to the gym or trying to get healthy alone.

We looked at what we would feel happy with and decided to try to create an environment where no one would feel uncomfortable or unwelcome whether they have wobbly tummy’s or need things at a slower pace, where you will always receive a smile and have people who will talk to you and give encouragement. A place that is non judgemental and you can simply be you.

Plus Size Wellbeing is a small friendly community group based at St Peter’s Church offering exercise, chat, healthy eating topics, general wellbeing support both physical and mental. Outside of the group we have a WhatsApp chat that we share things in and offer support in each others personal journeys. Be that loosing weight, getting physically fitter, accomplishing a personal goal (going on the bus alone if you suffer from anxiety, having a good day and managing to get a task done that you have struggled with). We also use it to share ideas and meet ups outside of the set group.

We aim to help and provide a secure, safe and very friendly environment for everyone. Especially aimed for those who are plus size, struggle with anxiety or simply feel they would like to join a small and more personable group for friendships and having a support network to work with.

We meet every Tuesday during term time at 10.30am. We have an hour exercise class with Surrey Sports Park providing a qualified fitness instructor who is friendly encouraging and always willing to adapt exercises to meet our varying needs. At the end of the session there is an option for those who would like to have a weigh in if that is part of your journey.

We sit for a chat and drink in the church Oak Café where we have social time together and look at possible meet ups going for a walk or such things.

Our future plans for this group are to have an extra session to make it more accessible to those that work. To have cooking days together and create a recipe book for healthy eating based on some of our own experiences on this journey.

We have in the pipe line a visit and support from a diabetic nurse, and look to have visits from other professionals, trips out, and Family days during school holidays.