The ‘Fields’ Community Lunch

For the last 30 or so years the ‘Community Lunch’ or ‘Fields’ Community Lunch’ – for Bellfields and Slyfields has taken place 3 times a year.
What is it?
At each lunch, different agencies, organisations, charities, councillors, church, schools and community members meet together to hear about, look at and talk about issues that are specific to people living in Bellfields and Slyfields.
Information on a particular topic is shared and discussed. We find out what is happening, what people are offering from different organisations, find out what the gaps are and network together to bring more into our community here.
Community members get to feedback on what concerns them too. In the last year we have heard from Schools about needs of local young people and children and they have discovered charities and organisations that can resource students, for example.
Information on a particular topic is shared and discussed. We find out what is happening, what people are offering from different organisations, find out what the gaps are and network together to bring more into our community here.
We have heard about the mental health needs around us and Andy’s Man Club (a mental health charity exclusively for men) did a presentation. We also had feedback from the Community Mental Health First Aid project that started with the survey work the lunch commissioned.
We really want to encourage more community voice about what is going on in our area!
We hear from our local doctors who are passionate about serving our community. We have discussed food resources and how to make sure that there is food accessible locally in this specific area.
It’s a great time to be part of the discussion, share your views, hear what is available and contribute to what goes on in this community! We really want to encourage more community voice about what is going on in our area!
This is an open invitation to you and your neighbours to join in the next lunch:
February 11th, 12.45 – 2pm to talk about ‘Health needs in our community’ and what resources may be around to help.
Then in May we hope to focus on Education and SEN.
The lunches are led by Guildford Action, Voluntary Action Southwest Surrey and St Peters.
They are hosted at St Peter’s, Hazel Avenue a donation of £3.50 a head is welcome – but please don’t let that stop you.
Please come: It helps to book in or if you would like to be on the mailing list please contact Jill who does the admin for the Fields Lunch: