Update from our local councillors

Local councillors Amanda Creese and James Walsh.

In this issue of Bellfields & Slyfield Pages we include the second of our bi-monthly updates from local councillors Amanda Creese and James Walsh. Their goal is to keep the Bellfields & Slyfield community informed about their actions as representatives of the Bellfields & Slyfield ward and how the Guildford Borough Council is supporting our local area.

By the time you receive this edition of the Bellfields and Slyfield Pages we will have a new government. Whoever forms that government, there is a huge task ahead to get this country back on its feet and working for the benefit of everyone.

We all complain about bins not getting emptied, the lack of public toilets in our town centre, bemoaned the number of empty shops in our historic High Street or driven along roads, bumping along because of the potholes that increasingly degrade our roads and lanes.

All these issues and more, are the responsibility of local government whether that be at county or borough level and it is where we as citizens mostly interact with the impact of political decision making. And it is where we, James and myself, as local councillors work with you as residents and council taxpayers to make sure that you get the services that you need.

Guildford Borough Council collects council tax on behalf of the government but only keeps 8p in every pound collected, the rest is allocated to Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and Crime commissioner and Parish councils too deliver the services they are responsible for. GBC does have assets; buildings leased to businesses which provide jobs and income to the council.

Social housing provides homes to many of our residents. But our biggest asset is people, you and all your neighbours in Bellfields and Slyfield.

As your councillors we are acutely aware of the lack of resources, especially for young people in our community, and places where we can come together to talk or take part in an activity. So how do we address these deficiencies? That is where we are asking you, as residents to think, use your imagination and come and talk to me and James with your ideas. The most off-the-wall idea can sometimes bear fruit if discussed and worked through with other people and they don’t necessarily have to cost a great deal.

As your councillors we are acutely aware of the lack of resources, especially for young people in our community, and places where we can come together to talk or take part in an activity.

To that end we plan to start drop-in sessions later in the year at the Aggie Club. Come with any questions or problems that you might have about Guildford Borough Council. Or just come and have a chat and a coffee. We’ll be pleased to see you. If you can’t make it to the Aggie, please call James or Amanda and we will be happy to talk about any ideas you have. Alternatively, you could write to the Bellfields & Slyfield Pages about your ideas and let’s have a conversation there.

For details check our Facebook page.

As councillors we have many problems and complaints hitting our inbox. This past couple of months they have ranged from housing repairs, requests for housing transfers to getting bollards installed to stop inconsiderate parking in Bellfields. We have been active in supporting the community at St Peter’s and their submission to Surrey County Council for funding to extend the building so they can help more people in the area. We have also been talking to staff at the Aggie Club on Slyfield about ways in which they can offer more activities at the club for young people in the area. I am on the licensing committee and have attended several sub committees where alcohol licences or taxi licencing is discussed. James Chairs an Overview and Scrutiny committee and attends meetings with the intention of holding the Council to account.

…our biggest asset is people, you and all your neighbours in Bellfields and Slyfield.

So while we are always busy working on your behalf we still welcome the opportunity to talk to you about ways in which we can improve our neighbourhood of Bellfields and Slyfield.

Cllr Amanda Creese
E: amanda.creese@guildford.gov.uk
T: 07814 441243

Cllr James Walsh
E: james.walsh@guildford.gov.uk
T: 07533 767227

Facebook: @guildfordlabourcouncillors